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The LinkStud PSR™ System is quick and easy to install.

While the system can be fitted 'Top-Down' (after T1 and T2 reinforcement) or 'Bottom Up' (before T1 and T2 reinforcement), LinkStud PSR™ Limited recommends 'Top-Down' fixing to avoid the possibility of misplacement during the installation of the main reinforcement.

'Top-Down' Fixing Methodology

1. Fix main reinforcement in position
2. Place LinkStud PSR™ rails around the column to the specified layout detail
3. Pass the studs through the reinforcement grid and rest the stud rails on the top layer of reinforcement
4. Wire tie rails to the main reinforcement

'Bottom-Up' Fixing Methodology

1. Wire tie stud rails to concrete spacers in order to maintain cover
2. Place LinkStud PSR™ rails around the column to the specified layout detail
3. Nail to the formwork through the gap

cares approved linkstud psr punching shear reinforcement system

Approved to CARES ISO 9001, CARES Technical to EC2 and compatibility with BS8110 Structure Design


"Using shear links as originally detailed on thirty columns, it took eight steel fixers two days to fix the links on the first slab. The specification changed to LinkStud PSR as there was a need to speed up the build programme. The fixing of the LinkStud PSR system on thirty similar columns only took two steel fixers one day.”
- Dave Cross, Project Manager, Getjar Ltd, Concrete Frame Contractors